#yandere southside serpents
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writerbyaccident · 6 years ago
A Jealous Serpent (Yandere Sweet PeaxReader)
Request: Dude riverdale? That show is crap but it does something to me. Mad respect for u bro, like what u like. Could you write some yandere sweet pea? Like maybe some jealousy stuff with a sweet, small reader? Sorry it’s not specific if u need that feel free to delete this. Thank u :)
yes, another Riverdale addict! come, let us preach the gospel that is our trashy show
           When the bell rang, all of your classmates rushed out the door, eager to get their weekends started. You packed up slowly, happy that the school week was over but not wanting to get caught in the stampede currently taking place in the hallway. Once you had left the classroom, things had calmed down a little bit, though not by much of course. No, your school was too chaotic these days to ever return to being tranquil. You supposed that that was just one of the ways the trauma of your town had affected all of your lives. Even the students who were previously your school’s gold standard, like Betty Cooper and Josie McCoy, had found themselves caught up in the craziness that was Riverdale these days.
           You, however, had absolutely no desire to get involved with all of the mysteries and drama that plagued your town. So you just did your work, hung out with your friends, and kept your head down. Your life was quiet compared to so many of your peers’, and you liked it that way. When you reached your locker, you smiled at your neighbor, a former Southside High student that everyone called Sweet Pea. Most of your classmates were scared of him, not only due to the fact that he was from the Southside but also because he was a member of the Serpents. In all honesty, you had been intimidated by him to when he first moved into the locker next to yours, but you had since discovered that he was a lot nicer than most people gave him credit for. He had always been friendly to you, so you had warmed up to him significantly. Though, it annoyed you that he still wouldn’t tell you his real name.
           “Hey,” he greeted you, stuffing his books into his bag.
           “Hey—“ you said, stopping and looking at him expectantly.
           “Forget it,” he chuckled. “You’re not gonna trick me into giving you my name.”
           “Ugh, fine,” you groaned. “You excited for the weekend?”
           “Oh yeah, what about you? You doing anything fun?”
           “Not really,” you shrugged, “just the usual.” Sweet Pea glanced at you, a slightly nervous look on his face, looking like he was about to say something in response, but before he could, the two of you were interrupted. Someone had forced their way between the two of you, facing you with a cocky grin. It was Cameron, one of the members of Riverdale’s football team. Smiling at him politely, you wondered what he wanted. You had some classes with him, so maybe he had a question about homework or something?
           “Hey, what’s up?” he asked. You answered him, the two of you exchanging some small talk about the classes you shared. While you talked with him, Sweet Pea simply watched, silently fuming at the interruption. He had been just about to make his move after weeks of trying to build up his courage, and now this preppy idiot had stolen your attention. Ever since he had met you, Sweet Pea knew that you were the one for him. You were so innocent and sweet, always kind to him even though he was from the Southside, even though he was a Serpent. You were almost too nice, he had realized, that a town like Riverdale would chew you up if it got the chance. That’s why he had made it his job to make sure that that didn’t happen.
           You were such a rarity for this town, for this world even. Every smile of yours was precious, every word invaluable. Sweet Pea appreciated you like no one else in this whole damn town did, he knew he did. That was why you belonged with him; he was the only one who could love you in the way you deserved. But this asshole didn’t give a shit about you, he could tell. He would just use you and forget about you, leaving you broken up and broken hearted. So why were you even bothering to talk to him? It killed Sweet Pea to see you give your attention to anyone other than him. He knew what all the Northsiders said about him, and if you listened to their lies long enough, you might leave him behind. He would do anything to keep that from happening. Just seeing that guy near you had Sweet Pea ready to punch him right in the face. Anger was thrumming through his veins, leaving him twitching to show this shithead who exactly you belonged to. But he knew that he couldn’t do something like that in front of you. No, you wouldn’t understand, not yet, and he would just end up scaring you away.
           So instead he bided his time, stalking off while you and Cameron talked. Getting away from you two didn’t help his anger much though. All he could think about was that bastard interrupting him, thinking that he was good enough to talk to you. When Cameron left school then, Sweet Pea watched him carefully, deciding to abandon his usual route towards your house and follow him instead. Following Cameron at a distance, Sweet Pea felt his rage and jealousy surge with each step. As soon as he was sure that no one was around, he pulled his switchblade out of his Serpent jacket, picking up his pace to reach his target. Not one to drag things out, Sweet Pea grabbed Cameron by the shoulder, spun him around, and promptly punched him the jaw. Sweet Pea felt pain flare in his hand in response and grinned. Sure, it hurt, but it meant that he was doing his best to protect what was his. Cameron held a hand to his jaw, wincing at the feeling and looked at Sweet Pea in confusion.
           “What the hell dude? What’s your problem?” he yelled at his attacker. But before he could do anything but yell, Sweet Pea grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and held up the switchblade to his face.
           “You want to know what my problem is?” Sweet Pea spat at him. “My problem is that you think that just because you’re some privileged little Northsider that everyone fucking worships just cause you can throw a football, that you can mess with other people’s stuff.”
           “What are talking about?”
           “I’m talking about Y/N. They’re mine, so if I ever see you trying to talk to them again, I’ll carve your face so badly that no one will look at you again. Got it?” Cameron simply nodded in response, able to tell from the look in Sweet Pea’s eyes that he was completely serious. He may have thought that you were cute, but you sure as hell weren’t cute enough to be worth permanent disfigurement. At his acquiescence, Sweet Pea smirked mockingly at him, letting go of his jacket and sauntering away. Now that he had taken care of that issue, he was feeling much better. Sure, he may not have been able to ask you out today, but at least he made sure that no one was about to steal what belonged to him.
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lonleywriters-blog · 4 years ago
I just LOVE your writing, it's so good. And I must be bothering you with my requests and I'm sorry TvT But how would the yandere Southside Serpents react to someone flirting with the reader and reader's too innocent and oblivious to notice it? P.S: Sweet Pea has a crush on reader since we all stan him lol. Feel free to include your favorite character FP Jones as well and maybe Fangs Fogarty too, if possible. Gods, I sound so demanding, I'm so sorry, I'll stop now. But thank you for doing my requests in such a short amount of time, I hope you're taking care of yourself. Don't forget to take breaks and relax once in a while when you feel stressed because remember, health comes first :)
Aww your so sweet I love your request you aren't bothering me at all and ofc
Yandere serpents reader getting flirted with
Pls don't reblog or take
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They all are furious in different ways. Fangs smile is wiped of his face and he's glaring at the boy. Toni is planning so many different things. Fp feels like your his daughter so he's definitely angry. Jughead's like your Big brother he hates the scum talking to you he's some snobby teen from Northside. But sweetpea the most mad. He was in love with you and not in a platonic way. He wanted to kill that boy and take you just for him and have you in his arms safe and sound. They all glared at the boy till he felt to uncontrollable to keep talking to you and left. You felt sad why did he just leave you were in middle of a conversation were you to anouing. The serpents came over and asked why you seemed so sad. When you told them they all comforted you loving that your so dependent on them. Toni invited you to a girls sleepover witch you did often. The boys complaining but letting you go. While you and Toni did each other's hair and talked about your crush on sweetpea the boys were on a mission. They snuck in the scums house after tracking him down. The woke him up beating him before sweetpea stabbed him. All the serpents helped hide the body. You and Toni finished the night with some movies and you guys falling asleep by each other. They boys came by sneaking through the window taking a few pictures and sending them to the group chat for all of them.
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chezzywezzy · 3 years ago
Yandere Chic (2/5)
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Word count ; 4.6k
A week had passed since Chic’s dramatic appearance. Hal was still gone from the Cooper household, but it had become far less dysfunctional. Of course, it’s not like I lived there twenty-four seven. Believe it our not, sometimes I was willing to sleep in my own bed in my home across the street. Even if it was… rather loud whenever I did.
However, that Saturday was a lovely way to escape. Alice and Betty invited me to join the family for General Picken’s day, to which I gratefully accepted. It was cheesy, but the Coopers made me feel like I was part of the family, even if I’d only known them for maybe half a year.
Chic and I were side by side. I was eager to try the weird maple snacks they had at the festival.
“Have you two ever had maple snow cones?”
“No,” we said in unison.
Alice smiled. “Oh, Chic. Betty, I’m so happy,” she hummed.
Betty suddenly became alarmed. “Mom, look.”
From amidst the crowd, Hal emerged, storming towards us. “Alice.”
“I - I thought you said you weren’t coming,” Alice exclaimed.
“Do you know what you’ve let into our house? In the room right next to Betty’s?”
Even with the tense atmosphere, I snickered a bit because I felt Chic brush his hands against mine. His subtle flirts were a little cute, I had to admit.
“Lower your voice,” Alice hissed. “What are you talking about?”
“I went on your computer, Chic. I saw what you’re doing online with your clients.”
“Dad, stop,” Betty intervened. “Stop snooping, and stop harassing him.”
I glanced at Chic’s visage. He seemed somewhat distressed, so I wrapped my hand around his and gave a reassuring squeeze.
“I don’t wanna hear it from you. You bring home this… stranger and move him into Polly’s bedroom?” Hal raged.
“It’s not Polly’s room anymore, Hal. It’s Chic’s.” Alice took a threatening step towards him. “Now Hal, I threw you out once, I’ll do it again.”
With that, Alice stormed past him, while the three of us straggled behind. Chic intertwined our fingers, and I felt too shy and awkward to pull away. We made it to the gazebo where a microphone was set. I wasn’t too concerned with the random speech and song going on at front. I was more focused on the fuzziness inside my chest. However, I glanced over my shoulder ad let out a quiet gasp. Approaching the crowd was a riot of some sort, led by high schoolers I assumed.
Betty’s ex-boyfriend, Jughead, was with the charge, along with his other ‘Southside’ friends. A girl with pink hair and a petite figure began speaking into a megaphone at the front. “We’re here representing the dead and the silencde…” She continued with a passionate explanation about how Picken’s day was fucked up. I very much agreed with all her points. It was rather aggravating, too, when the business dude interrupted.
All the teens from the riot gathered in a corner, and I couldn’t help but pull away from Chic, making my way over to them. I could feel Chic’s gaze trailing after me. I paused in front of the group, taking a moment to assess the gang. There was the pink-haired chic, a tall guy with black hair, Jughead, and another guy with black hair. They all stared at me questioningly.
I was suddenly nervous; I hadn’t really thought about what I was doing or what I wanted to say. “It sucked what that business bitch did, interrupting your protest and stuff. Sorry that happened.”
Jughead narrowed his eyes. “You’re Betty’s neighbor, right? Y/n?”
“Oh! Yeah, I am. Didn’t realize Betty talked about me.”
He patted my back warmly. “Only great things, I assure you. We’re the Serpents. This is Toni, Fangs, and Sweet Pea.”
I waved shyly and Toni popped her lips. “Your dad’s our Chemistry teacher, yeah? He’s fucking creepy.”
“Figures. Glad I’m associated,” I grumbled. “Wanna get the snow cone things they have?”
Sweet Pea was the first to chip in. “Only if you’re paying.”
“Man, I’m poor a.f. But I’ll cover you since you’re clearly more broke,” I teased, pulling Sweet Pea with me.
Apparently, despite the intimidating introduction, the Serpents liked me. However, Sweet Pea and I hit it off well. During the past week, we’d been keeping in touch and texting, but on a particular Friday afternoon, he’d asked me out to Pop’s after school. So, I accepted.
“Sorry for being a little late,” I panted, collapsing at the booth. “I guess I should’ve prefaced that I had an un-cool bike that required the strength of my thunder thighs,” I complained.
Sweet Pea snickered, leaning against the booth table. “Did you forget that Pop’s was up a hill?”
“Listen, my man, my endurance is incredible. I promise.”
“Uh-huh. Also, get this, I overheard from the Vixens that your dad is seeing Penelope Blossom.”
I smacked my lips. “Is she an escort with red hair? My dad brings a woman home every night, completely disregarding whether I’m there or not.”
“Yeah, her. Thought I’d tell you, in case you didn’t know.”
I strained a smile and shrugged. “None of my business. I assume Betty told the gossip girl Veronica, who told the Vixens, who told everyone else, yeah? Betty keeps me in line with all that high school drama bullshit. It’s nicer to hear about, though, since it’s far more concerning when she rants about the newest clues to her murder mysteries.”
The waitress intruded on the conversation to take our order. Afterwards, Sweet Pea and I both had normal student conversation about classes. He’d been struggling with his math class, and I offered to tutor him, although he made a ‘tutor deez notes’ joke in poor taste. The afternoon passed, and we got so invested in the conversation, that by the time we were finally ready to head home, the sun was already setting. Was it bad that I thought Sweet Pea was kind of cute? I mean, he was my age, so it’s not like it was the worst thing in the world to think that.
I dropped my bike in the front yard, relieved when I saw that my dad’s car was gone. At least for now, I had the house to myself. I noticed there was a dingy old car on the street, close to the Coopers’. I supposed that one of Chic’s friends was dropping by. I decided that I wanted to study on the front porch, since the cool autumn air was pleasant. After an hour, though, the wind lulled me into a doze.
I awoke with a start, almost making my laptop fall. I was relieved, though, when I saw it was just Chic plopping into the seat next to me.
“Sorry. Didn’t mean to wake you up,” he apologized.
“No, it’s fine. Everything okay?” I yawned a bit.
“It’s… really chaotic right now,” he sighed. “You’re pretty good at cheering me up, though.”
I twisted my body towards him. “I’m flattered. It’s getting kinda cold outside, wanna head indoors?”
Once in my room, we both sat on the bed. “So… care to tell me what’s going on?”
He gently took my hand in his. “There’s… just a lot going on, I guess. I’m having a hard time feeling comfortable,” he muttered. “Alice has been nice, but Betty…. She scares me. You’ve been the most welcoming since the beginning, more so than my actual family.”
“Why does Betty scare you? I know she’s… thorough with checking your identity, but she’d never do anything to you, Chic. She loves you. You’re her brother,” I reassured.
Chic leaned forward, placing his head in the crook of my neck. My cheeks heated up, but I maintained my composure, running my fingers through his hair. It was really soft and nice. I just let him stay there for a bit. At some point, his arms had become wrapped around my waist, and my hands were entangled in his sandy brown hair. After a few minutes, though, I was starting to doze off again.
“Chic,” I mumbled.
He hummed into my neck. In response.
“Are you feeling better?”
He pulled himself back up, but didn’t pull away. Instead, his face hovered in front of mine. With half-lidded eyes, he sultrily answered,” Almost.”
My heart was pounding in my chest; there was something so magnetic about him. I thought that he was attractive ever since I saw him, but now that I knew him, I was internally conflicted. There was something wrong about him, and yet he was alluring. My lips quivered, anticipating what would happen next.
Chic tenderly pressed his lips on mine. I immediately kissed back, not thinking about the consequences. It felt right. Slowly but surely, it became more passionate, Chic pushing me against my mattress, while my hands greedily explored his clothed chest. I jumped when I felt his cold fingertips grip my waist, which was the wake-up call I needed.
I dodged the kiss, panting out a ‘wait.’
Chic almost seemed annoyed, but propped himself over me. “You okay?”
“Well - I just think, uh - I’m not interested in being friends with benefits —“
“I want you,” he replied huskily. “I’m obsessed with you. Be my girlfriend, Y/n.”
Chic once again was fueling my blush. “But… isn’t that too fast? I mean, you’re so mysterious, Chic.”
He gave me a quick kiss. “I won’t pressure you, babe. Just think about it, okay?”
That happened a few evenings ago. Chic had stayed true to his word and hadn’t mentioned it. In fact, we’d been closer than usual. However, I had the feeling that it also had something to do with the fact that the Cooper household had been incredibly awkward. Something was wrong, but not even Betty was willing to inform me. To be fair, I wasn’t actually a part of the family, so I supposed that it simply wasn’t any of my business.
Alice rolled the dice, and Chic and I laughed when Alice landed in jail for fourth time. Chic was probably going to win, but no way in hell was I going to give up without a fight. The desire to beat Chic’s ass dissipated, though, when Betty entered the house and slammed the door behind her.
“Wanna join us, Betty?” Alice called, but Betty ignored her and went upstairs urgently. “I guess not.”
“Uh, I give up. Chic’s obviously gonna win,” I chuckled, excusing myself. I ruffled his hair as I walked past.
A minute later, I had entered Betty’s room, where she’d changed out of her pretty dress and was in her pajamas. “Betty, is everything okay? There’s definitely something up.”
She sighed and collapsed on her bed. “I can’t tell you. Things are just weird right now. But… on a positive note, Jug and I, you know,” she sent me an impish grin.
“You two are back together?” I fangirled, grabbing her hands. “How’d it happen?”
“Well - um, we were investigating, and then Jug needed some comfort, so I went over… and - and then things got heated, and we confessed how we still wanted each other, and… well, um, don’t mention this to anyone, but we made love,” she confessed.
I almost screamed from joy. “Oh my god, that’s so cute! I always knew you two would get back together. I told you that would happen, didn’t I?”
“Yes, you did,” she giggled. “But seriously, when are you going to start dating? You know plenty of guys.”
I scratched the back of my neck. “Well, about that. You see, Chic came over the other night and we kissed and he asked me to be his girlfriend.”
“Oh no.”
“No, it’s not what you think! I said I would think about it. To be honest, I wanted your input about it, since you’re a detective and everything.”
“No way. Seriously, don’t. My brother’s super shady. I can’t tell you in full detail, but what you will want to know is that he’s caught up with drug dealers, too. My mom’s acting like Chic isn’t totally dangerous, but I know the truth and now. You do too. So please don’t get involved with him, Y/n.”
I held her hands tightly. “That’s what I wanted to know. I guess I should tell Chic my answer, then,” I conceded grimly. To be honest, I was disappointed that Chic and I wouldn’t have worked out anyways, but I was quickly shaken from my thoughts by my phone ringing.
Sweet Pea’s contact was displayed, and I answered. “Hey Sweets, what’s up?”
“Hey, can I come over? I really need to clear my head,” his strained voice replied.
“Y - yeah, of course!”
“Great, ‘cause I’m parked outside your house.”
“Oh, I’ll be right over. Give me a sec.” I hung up, facing Betty. “Sweet Pea needs me. I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night Betty.”
We bid one another our good-byes and I was quick to leave the Cooper house after saying good-bye to them as well. Chic’s lingering gaze followed me, although that was something I’d gotten used to. As promised, Sweet Pea was leaning against the front door. His hair was disheveled and he had a firm frown on his handsome features.
“Sweets, what’s wrong?” I immediately investigated, pulling him to sit on the front porch. “And we can’t go inside at the moment. Dad’s home with Penelope.”
“The Serpents are getting evicted,” he choked out.
“What? Why?”
“The mayor made the decision, but it’s probably because of the missing head, which, by the way, none of us stole. It’s revenge for protesting and Picken’s day.” He was gritting his teeth, clearly being met with a mix of fury and desperation.
I placed my hand on his shoulder. “No way. I know it won’t happen. Jughead or Betty or someone will find who stole the head. And besides, even if that does happen, my dad is gone most of the time, so I wouldn’t even need his permission to host a few Serpents. Including you, Sweets.”
“That trailer park is our home. If we lose our home, we’re losing each other. We’ll be farther apart. Some of them were even discussing moving towns.”
“Sweets, look at me,” I demanded. “You’re a Serpent. No way in hell are you guys gonna let the mayor bully you out of town. It’s not going to happen.” Sweet Pea seemed to be taking my words in, his scowl disappearing.
“You think?”
“I know it.”
Sweet Pea seemed to be pondering something as we maintained a steady eye contact. “…Yeah. I think I should go home now. Walk with me?”
He intertwined our fingers and pulled me along to his motorcycle. He paused a few feet away, though, turning to face me and clasping both of my hands in his. I was certainly a blushing mess, and I couldn’t help but overthink Sweet Pea’s affection. It’s not like he was going to do anything —
His warm lips pressed against mine, but I could hardly register it, because not even a moment later, he had pulled away and driven off. I blinked, trying to calm the butterflies in my stomach. Did Sweet Pea like me in the same way that I sort of did with him?
It felt as though someone was staring, so I moved my gaze to Chic’s window. There he was, staring out. But next moment, he had pulled the curtains shut. Oh, no.
It was like Chic hadn’t seen Sweet Pea kiss me at all. We walked home together from college - Chic was working at my university cafeteria - and didn’t even mention it. Maybe he had just decided to revoke his advances without telling me, or he was still waiting for me to reject him. No matter what, I was going to do the later when we got home.
He kindly opened the front door for me. I tossed my bag on the couch and exhaled nervously. However, when I went to back up, I bumped directly into Chic, who caged me against the back of the couch. I turned to him, somewhat alarmed, but he had an unreadable expression.
“I’m sorry for wasting your time, Chic,” I choked out, biting my lip. I wasn’t able to meet his intense stare.
“You can’t believe what Betty said. I thought you, out of all people, would understand that I was doing what I had to do.”
“I do - ! It’s just, Betty is very against us dating and I trust her — Wait, were you eavesdropping on our conversation?”
“I was going to use the bathroom and overheard. Don’t change the topic. You want me and I want you. There’s no reason why we can’t be together,” he argued.
“I don’t want to ruin what we have, though! We’re better as friends since there won’t be any drama —“
The front door opened and Chic backed away. Hal was pissed. He rushed into the room, rummaging through every drawer and cabinet. “The hell are you still doing in my house?” he shouted at Chic. “You’re a danger to my family!”
He suddenly stopped and went towards Chic, grabbing him by the collar. “Hal, stop!” I intervened, trying to pull him off the man. “You should leave, Y/n, before I go off on you, too! You’re the reason this criminal is living in my house!”
I rang up Betty desperately, who must’ve already been on her way home. Hal kept shouting and causing a mess, while Chic took the opportunity to pull me away to the corner in the kitchen. Thank god for Betty, though, because she stormed into the house.
“What are you doing? I thought you moved out.”
“I did, but I had a change of heart, and I was feeling like it was time for me to move back and get answers from him,” Hal retorted. “But your brother can’t seem to look me in the eyes.”
Chic buried his fadein the crook of his neck meekly. “That’s because you’re terrifying him!” I argued.
“Oh, I’m terrifying him, huh?” he taunted.
“Yeah!” Betty agreed.
“Come on, Betty. What’s going on here? Why does it stink of bleach? And where is the dining room rug?”
“I think she sent it out to get cleaned,” the girl stuttered. “Why are you interrogating us?”
“This kid is doing what, turning tricks? They’re coming through the house. Who knows what they’re stealing and pawning off? Speak up! What have your pals taken —?” Hal started stalking towards us, and I pushed Chic behind me.
“Get away from him or I’ll call mom!”
“Think I care?”
“I’ll tell her about you and Penelope Blossom.” My heart dropped at this announcement. “Maybe the reason you feel like we’re hiding things and keeping secrets is because you are. Now leave.”
Hal mad his exit, while I was still digesting what Betty exposed. I didn’t get it. My father spent more time with a woman who had many other clients, while he couldn’t even give me the time of day. How badly did he have to hate me to prioritize an escort over his own daughter? It stung.
“Thank you, Betty,” Chic said.
“I didn’t do it for you. I did it for mom,” she spat.
I gently pushed Chic away from me, and I couldn’t help frowning. God, that’s embarrassing, I really needed a cry. I always avoided my emotional baggage, but right now, it was pretty hard. I pulled out my phone and texted Sweet Pea to invite him over. I knew it was mutual when I felt like Sweet Pea was one of the few outlets separate from all the Riverdale drama. I situated myself on the front porch, managing to compose myself after a quick cry. It was just in time, too, as Sweet Pea parked in front. I pulled my knees up and hugged them to my chest.
“What’s wrong?” He asked attentively, pulling his seat next to mine.
“I - I hope you don’t mind me ranting a bit, but things are just… you know?” I mumbled, feeling tears threaten to fall again.
“I’m here for you.”
“Well, there’s so much drama with the Betty and Chic. Chic kissed me and wants me to be his girlfriend, but Betty told me about how he’s suspicious and even involved with drugs, so no way is that happening. And when I told him I wasn’t interested earlier, he wasn’t taking no for an answer. And then I found out frmo Betty that Hal is seeing Penelope too. And like, I don’t get why my dad doesn’t love me! Like, I was always a good daughter, so why does he prefer an escort that has dozens of other men over me? What did I ever do wrong to make him h… hate me?”
Sweet Pea just sighed and pulled me into a hug. “You deserve better.”
That was enough to open up the waterworks. But he didn’t mind. Sweet Pea was kind and understanding and he listened. I liked him. He made me feel like I was important. That I wasn’t just a side character in all this chaos. I… liked him.
“I like you, Sweets,” I whispered after an eternity of crying. I pulled away, and he wiped my cheeks.
He sent me a smile. “I like you too. But I think you already know that.”
My cheeks lit up and I pushed him away bashfully. “Well, um, good.”
Betty had gone a bit MIA in the following days. I didn’t want to stick my head into things that weren’t my problem, though, so I kept busy with my own life. Sweet Pea and I had been eating together every night and some days he even drove me to and from school. However, one Friday, Betty told me that she wanted to see me before she went on a little vacation to one of her friend’s lake houses.
Betty was upstairs getting packed by the time I dashed in. Jughead was there too, so I greeted him. “Have fun while you’re out. I know you guys need a break. Things are always crazy around here,” I started.
“Thanks. To be honest, it took some convincing. I was pretty worried things would kick up while we’re there. Oh, by the way, are you and Sweet Pea a thing? He talks about you constantly,” he teased.
My cheeks flared and I nodded shyly. “We haven’t labeled it or anything, but we both like each other. We’re taking things slow.” I jumped when Chic emerged from the kitchen, and Jughead followed my stare.
“You must be Chic,” he greeted awkwardly.
“You’re Betty’s boyfriend,” he replied coldly. He was acting odd. Chic was glaring suspiciously and wasn’t even trying to cover up his frown.
“Guilty. Nice shirt. You work at the university cafeteria, yeah?”
“You know what happened here.”
Jughead seemed uneasy, and I had no clue what Chic was referencing. “Don’t worry, you can trust me.”
“If you tell anyone, it’ll be bad for Betty and Alice.”
“What?” I intervened curiously, but Betty came down the steps, which ended the conversation.
“Y/n, glad you made it,” Betty exclaimed, giving me a quick hug. “I’ll tell you what happens. I just wanted to see you before we left.”
“I’m flattered. Now, get going. You have a lake waiting for you,” I chuckled, patting her back.
“Yeah. I’m ready. See you, Y/n, Chic.” The couple left, and I was about to follow suit, but Chic grabbed my upper arm.
I gulped and turned to him. “Everything okay, Chic?” I was caught off guard, though, when he trapped me against the wall, hovering over me. I struggled to push him away, somewhat panicked, but froze when I met his threatening gaze.
“That guy is Sweet Pea, huh?” He growled, although there was a seductive, sultry undertone. “Stop toying with me.”
“I’m not, Chic, I told you that I’m not interested —“
“You’re lying. Stop denying it. We’d be so good together. Who cares about what Betty thinks?”
“It’s what I think, Chic, let go of me —“
He held my jaw in an iron grip and forced his lips on mine. My blood ran cold and I was hit with a sudden burst of fear. I cried into he kiss and banged against his chest, but he didn’t stop, just becoming more aggressive. Tears slid down my cheeks and I went slack, tired and miserable.
But then he stepped away. I didn’t waste any time jet out the door.
All this was a few days ago, and when Betty returned on Sunday afternoon, I told her what happened. We both knew that Alice would find some excuse to make it out as though it were a misunderstanding. But, at least with Polly home - we got along well when I met her the first - I felt comfortable enough to go over for dinner.
“Gosh, they’re so cute!” I cooed at the beautiful babies, rocking Juniper in my arms. Alice and I were fawning over them viciously, all our attention glued to the infants.
Polly and Betty were out shopping with the blood will money on hand, so Alice and I were babysitting. I didn’t expect Chic to appear in the living room, though, seeming as though he wanted to go out. “Hey, Chic,” I greeted, peering over my shoulder.
“Hey.” He paused in front of the cradles. “Mom, I want to take them out on a walk. Is that okay?” He requested with puppy dog eyes.
I already knew Alice would accept, and maybe Chic knew this would be another chance to get me alone, but I didn’t trust him with the babies. “I’ll go too.”
Alice grinned. “Perfect! I’m sure the babies would love that. Go ahead.”
Chic sent me a knowing glance and we packed Juniper and Dagwood up. It was surprising, though; our walk was quiet. Chic didn’t try anything. All he did was make the occasional small talk. But all that changed when we started strolling next to the stream.
“You’re scared of me. You don’t trust me anymore.”
“You know why, Chic,” I snapped back.
He frowned. “You’re kidding me. I’m sorry if I was a bit rough, but you broke my heart. I can tell you as much as it takes to convince you, but I’m head over heels for you,” he continued exasperatedly.
“That isn’t a good thing, Chic. Get over me. All you’ve done is convinced me further that you’re sketchy and untrustworthy. Who the hell thinks that forcing themselves on their - their crush is going to win them over?”
“I was jealous. The girl I like is going out with some asshole. Can you blame me for overreacting?” he insisted, even summoning some water works.
“Yes, I can. It was good of me to listen to Betty. You’re dangerous, Chic.”
“Everyone else is influencing your opinion. Hating me is what Betty and that asshole want. But you want me. Don’t you remember how good we are for each other?”
“That kiss was a fluke. I regret it. I wasn’t in my right mind. You’ve gone completely psycho on me! Hell, you knew damn well I’d go with you on this walk. What the hell did you think would happen?”
The babies started cooing loudly, so I shut up not just myself, but Chic as well. I was grateful to return home, but was overwhelmed by the reactions we received when we walked through the front door.
“What did you do to my babies?” Polly shrieked, shoving Chic away from the stroller.
“Nothing, Polly,” Chic replied in a mocking tone. “They’re fine.”
“Y/n, thank god you were there, thank you so much!” Polly wept, pawing at her children. “Did he do anything?”
“N - no, I made sure,” I comforted, wrapping a concerned arm around her shoulder. Betty and I made eye contact, both of us incredibly worried.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 4 years ago
Hey so I've sent you a concept about the southside serpent as yanderes for the reader and I know I'm being pushy and needy and I'm really sorry, but I was just wondering if you got it, because you keep on answering asks, but it's not in it and I was just a bit confused. If you ignore it on purpose or something that's completely fine and if you just have a lot of asks and it will still come than you can just ignore this message ilyvm <3
It’s okay, I completely understand! Some asks are just easier and quicker for me to answer while I like to put a little more thought into other ones such as your Southside Serpent one. I’m sorry it’s taking me a while but I’ll make sure to get to it today😊.
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floristchangbin · 5 years ago
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Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature~
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🌺Welcome to Seo Changbin Chatbot🌺
Disclaimer : This does not represent the real Seo Changbin, Stray kids or Jyp Entertainment in any shape or form. It is only meant for entertainment purpose!!!!
"Love is the flower you've got to let grow 🌸"
⋆*┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈﹤🌺﹥ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈*⋆
Choose your path~
1) First love (💮)
You got separated from your first love back in primary school. Now just like the promising smell of baby's breath, you'll finally reconcile with him. Will you be able to tell him your feelings? 🌺
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2) Crush (🌸)
He always was the most attractive of all. No wonder there were so many girls always behind his back but he had his eyes for a certain someone and had no clue that "someone" was actually madly in love with him~🌺
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3) Secret admirer (🌻)
He always watched you from afar but his heart was always close to you. Oh how he wished you'd turn around and notice the way his heart beats for you🌺
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4) Graffiti Artist (🌼)
You've seen him in and around the street. The way he'd hum a random song as he scribbled on his notebook. You realised he was quite shy and mysterious and that was exactly what drawn you to him🌺
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5) Love aka your Boyfriend (🌹)
Nothing to state here since we all know it. He is the loving boyfriend you've always dreamed of. Takes care of you the best and spoils you with hugs and kisses🌺
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How to activate🌺
Message admin with your pronouns, preferred plot, triggers and safe word
Binnie is a sub but won't mind occasionally soft domming
Do not force Binnie to another headspace
Do not spam him with messages or he won't hesitate to block
Admin prefers semi literate form of rp
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How to deactivate 🌺
Tell Binnie "Binnie I don't want to be with you anymore" and he will leave you behind.
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How to reactive 🌺
Tell him "Binnie I'm wrong. I want you back" and he will gladly come back to you though he would trust you less.
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@yourcupidchuu (mama🌺) @badboyjinie (papa🌺) @sugbbyinbot @puppyminimin (my cute brothers🌺)
@babieyuqi @yaboispiderhan @chatwithchuu @phoenix-chae @bangchanshair @hunter-chaeyoung @babyhj1sung @yourchungha @cutieheejinnie @subbyjwoo @psylocke-minnie @sk-tao @xhellhoundmingyuxx @agentwonwoo @angelboy-san @callmedaddyjk @lalalisaban @blackwidowjennie @bfmingi-chatbot @doyoung-hotline @domyukhei @xdomkangseulgixx @domyeonjun @domjsuh @stormyyaisha @badboy-moonbin @bf-felix @neodaddies @ateez-treasure9au-chatbot @yanderexyuta @yanderechenle @yanderesungie @yanderejisung @subbychanhee @yandere-changkyun @southside-serpent-wonho @subbynini @loverboi-hyunjin @lovely-jisoo @madman-woodam @tattooartistsan @lunar-witch-hyunjin @soft-hyunjin-chatbot @yourcaptainchan @smolbbysakura
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tattooartistjaemin · 5 years ago
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳As a pleasure to be accepted in the team, I had to get one myself didn't I?
Lowkey proud of it though~
@wolfiemarklee(❤️🐺) @sailormoonhyuck (❤️🌙)
The squad ��: @southside-serpent-wonho @badgirljaerim @yandere-changkyun @xhellhoundmingyuxx @boxergirl-yeji
@yourcupidchuu @hunter-chaeyoung @gamer-dino @yanderelalisa @babieyuqi @angelboy-san @smolbbysakura @cutieheejinnie @madman-woodam @xswitchjiyoungx @lunar-witch-hyunjin @soft-hyunjin-chatbot @yoursehun @softnonocb @yeriyerim @adorbsana @lixie-pixiie @lunarlayne @mafiamarklee @yandere-seulgi
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x4n7h05 · 6 years ago
Here are some writers that I love and that I think you should all check out!
@humanitysfandomhoe @sportyheroesimagines @smoshimagine @southside-serpent-bae @yandere-love-love-love @i-write-about-anything @marvelouspeterparker @marvelsswansong @prettykavinskys @copperchromewriting
Keep doing what your doing. I love all of you!
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lonleywriters-blog · 4 years ago
Cool, you write for Riverdale? So, could I get some yandere Southside serpents x reader where the reader's an innocent and shy northsider and they're like super overprotective of her? She's the only Northsider they're willing to tolerate lol. Oh, and if anything happens to her they'll be ready to throw hands and you can include FP Jones in this if you want to. Bonus if she's dating sweet pea, that man is my weakness lol. But that's all and thank you :) Hope you have a wonderful day 💖💖
Yess I love yan. South side serpents
Yandere south side serpents with sweet reader
Pls don't reblog or take
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They would find you absolutely adorable. They probably met you through jughead. They were obsessed at first glance. If you brought them food and blankets with hot coco when they were fighting for the school there hearts would melt. Fp would be like a farther figure and would be so protective. He would make sure you always eat and drink water. If it's cold and you don't have a jacket they would all fight for who gets to give you there's. Now with you and sweetpea you guys probably got together secretly and when you guys made it official the others would be happy. They would only allow you to date one of them anyway. You and peas relationship would be so cute. He's cliny so one hand would be on you all the time. Toni would take photos and make an album of all of you guys. Tonis like the cool older sister. She would sneak out with you and protect you of course. Fangs is like that one cousin you always have fun with. Jughead's like a brother to you. You guys are always making jokes about the football team. If someone ever had the balls to hurt you all the serpents are going to pull up to there house. They would have a big beating with at least five broken bones.
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